
Hello! I'm Duygu, it’s nice to meet you. As a data scientist, I help people with exploring the endless possibilities of data. I also run Insert Data, an extension of my love for creating meaningful things with data and code.

As a social creature, I love to talk with others and exchange thoughts and ideas. Every conversation is a unique opportunity to learn, grow and create something new.


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my approach

Data by itself is not meaningful unless it is placed within a broader context and presented in a way that makes sense to us. So, when working with clients, I focus on understanding the problem they are trying to solve and using data to craft a story that resonates with their audience. By first understanding the problem and context, we come to see that data is more than just strings and numbers. It represents real things like people, places, ideas, and values. Data lives in the world. We see, touch, and interact with it daily. Understanding this helps us find meaningful solutions.

That is why my approach is based on providing data solutions that consider what the data stands for and what it means for the people who will interact with it. At the start of every engagement, I collaborate with clients to define their data maturity and understand their needs and goals. Based on their vision, I develop a customized project plan that transforms this vision into tangible results. Throughout the process, I work iteratively with built-in checkpoints to ensure that our efforts lead to the desired outcomes.